About Dr. Travis Moore

Dr. Dorothy Travis Moore

Dr. Dorothy Travis Moore is a speaker, coach, and education strategist. For over 35 years she has served at risk children, including 20 years as the founder and CEO of an urban academy, serving thousands of struggling learners in the Midwest. This Mississippi native has received a number of awards, such as: Top Principal of Leadership, Who’s Who among Executives and Professionals in the United States, University of Wisconsin Distinguished Alumni Award and Alpha Kappa Kappa Central Regional Outstanding Educators Award-to name a few. Join us for an exciting BOOK SIGNING at the Kendall Neighborhood Library & Community Center in Houston, Texas. Meet the author and get your book signed in person! Don’t miss out on this chance to dive into the world of storytelling and meet the creative mind behind this beloved book. Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable day of literary celebration!

Honorable Award

About The Book

Moving Students from Potential to Performance, observes that a child’s greatness is influenced by his environment. This book is an excellent educational resource that aids teachers in understanding students’strengths and weaknesses. It also discusses the need to have belief in oneself and the guts to grasp a child’s educational and emotional needs. Dr. Moore’s book offer the motivation and resources to assist educators at all in taking care of themselves, leading with emotional literacy, and challenging beliefs that impede the development and wellbeing of students. It seems to encourage everyone to improve the educational culture together.

Dr. Dorothy Travis Moore is a speaker, coach, and education strategist. For over 35 years she has served at risk children, including 20 years as the founder and CEO of an urban academy, serving thousands of struggling learners in the Midwest.


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